Our readers are humanity’s most powerful advocates.

We help readers effectively share the changes they care about with the people they care about, within the community they care about.

Our planet will wake up through human-to-human connection. Hourbooks provide a curation of ancient wisdom and modern science as it relates to significant topics. But it is you, Dear Reader, who, out of your commitment to change, shares a book with family and friends (or your larger platform) … it is you who will catalyze the shift we all long to see. Humanity is a web. Global consciousness is interconnected. Let’s get going.

"It’s an attempt to unlock the future. To fling open the windows of our minds.”
-Rutger Bregman


Cliff Notes of Consciousness meets System Change for Dummies

An Hourbook is 10,000 to 12,000 words (which can typically be read in an hour) and include plenty of illustrations and stories to seed new understanding in multitudes so readers are catalyzed to get active in their communities. 

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The Impact of Investing in the World Where You Live
(What is Real Return?)

Wall Street is not the only place to invest! Imagine what would happen if thousands of people in your town woke up to the potential of local investors financing local businesses that benefit the place we call home. The dollar return can equal that of Wall Street, but with additional returns of good jobs, healthy food, a thriving State Street. Money spent locally circulates at a higher rate resulting in good schools and hospitals, firefighters and police, and all aspects of community service: the economy as an ecosystem of neighborhood shops and institutions, not the fluctuations of the Dow!

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Healthy Body Healthy Earth Healthy Economy
(Can Regenerative Agriculture Restore Almost Everything?)

The good news is that the understanding of How Life Works and asking How do you make it good for all of life? is a rapidly flourishing field with enormous promise to rebuild our soils, sequester more carbon, increase biodiversity, enhance the water cycle, abundantly feed our human family and all creatures great and small. Regenerative agriculture rebuilds ecosystems, helps reverse climate change, creates local food security, and nourishes local economic resilience. What’s not to love?

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Public Banking for Public Good for What We Really Need
(How is Money Created Anyway?)

A bank built to serve the public can channel its resources to actual public needs. It can give the American people a defined voice in the direction of their money. Instead of being at the mercy of financiers, they’d be participating in a fundamentally democratic process. A public bank can offer lower interest rates and fees, because it’s not a for-profit business trying to maximize returns. Second, because the bank is publicly owned, any profit flows back to the city or state, virtually eliminating financing costs and providing governments with extra revenue at no cost to taxpayers.